Welcome to the home site of the most prolific international rock legacy of the summer of 2002. During this time, the Jass Halos, a proud yet naive entourage of country bumpkins, recorded not one but TWO studio albums of undeniable character at Presto! studios in Lincoln, NE. JH recently finished a performance at Ted & Wally's Ice Cream Shoppe in Omaha, NE, with world-renowned improvisational saxophone player Jack Wright. JH continues to reside in their hometown of Lincoln, putting all efforts and resources towards staging THE quintessential world tour at the biggest of venues, discovering THE most cutting edge and may I say breathtaking techniques for annihilating audio production as humanity doth know it, or just paying THE bills and avoiding the dastardly yet somewhat necessary unemployment checks. Follow their progress by visiting this website at least three times a day for the latest and most updatest information.
Sample their audible greatness in the practice setting (also known as part b)
© Garden Bazaar 2000-2003